मंगलवार, 28 मई 2013

Gauss’s Law

Gauss law may stated as
The flux of electric field E throw any closed surface is 1/0 times of total charge inclosed by the surface & if the surface does not inclose the charge the flux is equal to zero. i.e.
⨜E.dS=q/ℰ0 (If q is inside the surface)
⨜E.dS=0        (If q is outside the surface)

Consider a closed surface as shown in the figure.
Consider the point charge q at O drawing a small conical solid d𝞈. We find that it will cut the surface an odd number of times.
Consider in this case the surfaces dS1,dS2 & dS3 obviously the direction of normal shows that the contribution of surface dS2 is opposite to that of dS1 & dS3.Therefore total flux
Where E1,E2 & E3 are the respective field on the surfaces dS1,dS2 & dS3 at a distance r1,r2 & r3 respectively.Hence
𝞥=∲1/4𝛑ℰ0 q/r12 dS1 cos𝛉1-∲1/4𝛑ℰ0 q/r22 dS2
        cos𝛉2+1/4𝛑ℰ0 q/r32 dS3 cos𝛉3
   =q/4𝛑ℰ0[∲dS1 cos𝛉1/r1-∲dS2 cos𝛉2/r2+∲dS3 cos𝛉3/r3]
The quantity ds cos𝛉/r2 is called the solid angle d𝞈 which is same for the all surfaces.Therefore
                             dS cos𝛉/r=d𝞈
𝞥E=q/4𝛑ℰ0[ d𝞈-d𝞈+d𝞈]
In the second case when the charge lies outside the surface the small solid angle d𝞈 will intersect the surface to an even number of times then proceeding as above we have
i.e.              E.dS=0
This proved the Gauss’s law.

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