मंगलवार, 28 मई 2013

Field due to uniformly charged sphere

Application Of Gauss Law:-
(a)- Field outside the sphere:-
Suppose the charge q is uniformly distributed over a sphere of radius R as shown in figure.
Let us find the electric field E at the point P outside the sphere for which we draw a Gaussian surface shown by dotted curve at a concentric sphere of radius OP=r.

So by Gauss theorem
The flux through the surface
∮E.dS = q/εo
Or                E∮dS = q/εo
Or                E.4πr2= q/εo
E = 1/4πεo q/r2
Which is same as electric field at distance r from the point P & charge q. Hence it is clear that the charge may be concentrated at the centre.
(b)- At a point on the sphere:-
We put r=R then,
Electric field on the surface of sphere
E=1/4πεo q/R2     
(c)- Electric field inside the sphere:-
Let us find the electric field E at the point P inside the charged sphere. We draw a Gaussian surface of radius r1.
The outward flux throw the surface of sphere.
E.dS = E.4πr12………………..(1)
Now the total charge inclosed by the Gaussian surface.
q’ = volume inclosed by the Gaussian surface X charge density
     = 4/3 πr12 X ρ………………………….(2)
Since    E.dS = q/εo
Hence from (1) & (2) we have
EX4πr12 = 4/3 πr13 .ρ
E = ρr1/3εo  

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